An Interest Form was sent to all persons on the RIGC Waitlist as well as Members and Associates: "Classes are held on weekend afternoons and are taught by RIGC m\Members and Associates. Students enroll in 3-5 week sessions. Covid-19 safety protocols are followed.
- Are your older children interested in attending a garden class in 2022?
- Would you like us to expand some offerings if we find it is possible?
- Are your younger children interested in attending a garden class?
- Would you like to learn more about gardening with kids? "
At the early spring reunion class, students harvested arugula that grew all winter. Then, in May, they began sowing more vegetables than ever in containers as well as in the beds: peas, garlic, radishes, broccoli, beans, tomatoes, kale, bok choy, carrots, parsley, basil, zinnias and sunflowers. Currently the berries in D-12 don't have enough sun for blooms, but are doing great alongside some asters and hydrangeas. Thanks to Debbie & Donna in C-37, students also have a small sunny spot for cantaloupes and cucumbers.
All are looking forward to some Fall class offerings and explorations. RIGC Associate and Urban Forester, Schuyler Borden (along with his bearded dragon, Phoebe,) has expressed an interest in joining us one day.