Petra Karin Kelly received the The Right Livelihood Award in 1982, for “forging and implementing a new vision uniting ecological concerns with disarmament, social justice, and human rights.” It is an international award to “honour and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today. “ (Right Livelihood Award) In 2006 Kelly was also listed by the British Government 's Environment Agency, as one of the top 100 people to have done the most to save the planet when the public was not yet ready to hear nor accept the realities of humans' impact on the earth. (Earthshakers, The Guardian)
We can do the possible and the impossible! By improving our composting and our recycling we will make a difference! Take a moment to think about what we are feeding the earth. Wouldn't you rather give Mother Nature the things she needs to help her thrive and to help us survive? She needs us now more than ever.
So please remember to help make a salad for the compost with your kitchen scraps and garden debris. Each time you do so, so much less goes into fossil fuels used to transport trash and so much less organic waste goes to landfills to mummify and give off toxic fumes. Browns and greens will enrich the bounty she returns to us. The minute or two we take to slow down and cut up a few dead brown stalks and or bring a few green trimmings to compost, this is a priceless treasure. Slow down, just a bit, and join us!
For tips or questions on how to make your compost work better please see our Go Green page or contact the Compost Committee or Karen Lee [email protected]
Our next Compost class will be May 2, Saturday 9:30-10:30 A.M. Raindate May 3rd at the same time.
Compost Questions /Troubleshooting 11:30-12:30 same dates. Thanks for checking in.
Remember to recycle and always use a reusable shopping bag. * If you are using a plastic bag to gather garden debris, empty the contents where appropriate and place the bag into our Blue Plastic Recycle Bin by the north shed. *Whole Foods gives you 10 cents credit for each bag of your own when shopping. *Our local Gristedes has a bin as you exit, that accepts shopping bags for recycling. |