Judy Berdy writes: The RIHS garden surrounding our visitor center has been tended by wonderful members of the RIGC for the last two years. We have a flourishing garden with laurel bushes, roses, day lilies, lavender, echinacea and a variety of maiden grasses. When our gardener retired, a call went out and the RIGC came to our side. With their knowledge and skills our garden is better than ever. During the last two years we have planted more roses, grasses, lavender, catmint, shasta daisies, echinacea, and liriope. With the addition of newspaper and local RIOC/RIGC sourced mulch we have drastically cut the number of weeds that invade the garden and reduced the watering needed. With the help of the RIGC our area has flourished and is a point of pride in our community.
RIGC Outreach and Publicity Committee members are happy to support Roosevelt Island organizations and to keep our community filled with green garden spaces for all residents and visitors alike. Join us next year!