The 2014 Executive Board voted to spend significant time and money for updates to the external wooden infrastructure of many of our 132 garden plots. Kwasi Long, our Vice President, worked alone and alongside other gardeners all last season, spring through fall, to replace many wooden borders that were wearing out after 22 years of use.
Kwasi replaced wood for plots C11,C12,C45,C46,C47,C17,C18,C13,C25,B15, B16, B33, B30, B31,A4, and A5. He helped redesign gardens B6, B18, and C34. He repaired the cables located by the A and B section. He paved the Rose Garden paths and C25. He also improved the front common area significantly by paving, creating the grass to welcome small groups, and by removing the broken fence. He replaced border edgings along the southern landscape beds and more edgings are awaiting Vaughn's help for northern beds this spring.
Volunteer hours have always provided the "rich soil" for many years of RIGC initiatives! Other gardens may need external border replacement this year and this work will continue steadily under the wise oversight of Geof Kerr, our Treasurer.

Stay tuned for more news and ideas about exciting updates for our beautiful Roosevelt Island Garden Club. Below are some photos of the Executive Board at the 2-22-15 meeting.