Thank you so much for your participation in our Winter Service Day on Saturday, January 19, 10am-2pm! Usually RIGC members are focused on planning our gardens, reading catalogs, and other inside delights in January. But 2019 is already shows promise of being a very good year for our RIGC community and gardens.
In mid-December, the RIGC Board was informed that RIOC will be refurbishing the Octagon Field and the nearby “Comfort Station” building that houses RIGC tool shed and lockers, the bathrooms, and field equipment. Four members of the RIGC Board met in person with Mary Cunneen, RIOC Director of Parks and Recreation, to discuss ways to minimize the impact of the refurbishment plans on the RIGC and remain in contact to follow up on requests we have made for information and assistance.
To help the Club respond to this change, we asked members to participate in a winter COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 2019, FROM 10am-2pm and the results were wonderful! Over thirty volunteers (including seven additional high school students) showed up to clean out the outside tool shed and to help store all our tools, hoses, and other equipment inside the garden. The weather was cold, but dry so everyone dressed warmly and worked hard. (And we saved some beautiful spiders found in the wood pile.)
Thank you for your patience and cooperation with the RIGC volunteer Executive Board work and with RIOC. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Board at this address [email protected] As the Board gets more information we will communicate to all members.
Q: What do I do if I have rented a locker?
TOOL SHED LOCKERS MUST BE EMPTIED BY 5PM, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2019. Anything left in the lockers after this date will be thrown away. The RIGC will not be able to offer lockers to RIGC members for 2019. We hope to be able to return to locker usage again after the comfort station refurbishment has been completed. Those members who rented lockers after August 31, 2018, will be offered full reimbursement credit toward their 2019 registration. Nothing should remain in your locker: Locks should be removed, and anything outside of the lockers or on top of the lockers in the shed will need to be brought home. No one will be allowed back in the tool shed after February 15, 2019.
Q: What happened to the tools and other items we store in the comfort station building?
Temporarily the tools are locked into metal cabinets or stored under tarps. To arrange for storage of garden tools ongoing for the 2019 season, we plan to install another tool shed in the garden. You will receive an update on this arrangement as the RIGC Board takes steps to adjust to the impact of the refurbishment work.
Q: Are there other changes RIGC members should know about?
Please do not place any tree branches, woodchips, compost, soil, or gravel in the areas outside our back NW fencing. RIOC has asked the Garden Club to no longer place anything outside of the rear fence in the northwest corner. So ,our active overflow compost and branch piles have been removed and we are working on how to find space for these materials ongoing. If you take out small trees or bushes, you must plan to cut up the twigs for compost. Regarding larger branches or root balls, please contact a Board member with questions as these must now be taken to AVAC. The communal compost bins are still available for appropriate materials: leaves, healthy plant remains and small branches, twigs, or vines that you can chop up.