Neal Weissman - President
Johan Marfey- Vice President
Mike Ritter- Treasurer
Robert Ostergaard - Secretary
Jack Burkhalter-Director
Takelu Gross- Director
Tim Wong-Director
The other six Standing Committee Board positions are appointed every year in January per our by-laws.
Everyone was saddened to learn that Geof Kerr will be retiring from his position as Treasurer and has decided to become a Legacy gardener to give his plot to a new family on the waitlist. Geof is welcome at anytime in the gardens like all Legacy Associate gardeners.
Anthony Longo presented a stunning visual of the kinds of items that we want to be careful and keep out of the compostables piles. Member, Kaz Bujno received a special shout-out and thanks for an enormous amount of work supporting many areas in the garden this year. We also had a guessing game for the weight of a package of rocks that should NOT have been in compostable materials. Johan Marfey won that prize! At the end of the meeting we had a special reminder presentation by Karen Lee about avoiding plastic use and she also brought some give away prizes to support the environment. Spring bulbs were given to all who stayed to the end. It is time to start planning and preparing for next season.