Karen Lee, Ron Schuppert, and others began leading the club toward a return to composting last year. They purchased tumbler bins and Karen began offering regular classes about composting. This spring in 2014, the Board voted to appoint Anthony Longo as Ad Hoc Compost Committee Chair. He has been working with Julia Ferguson, one of the three new directors on the Board, to create a sustainable composting system for our club. Our current compost committee has about eight active members including associates. Anthony's first success was to ban the purchase and use of the large black plastic bags. His motto is "What comes from the earth, goes back to the earth." | According to Karen, who worked assiduously last year on this initiative, "Because of the the combined efforts and improved cooperation of all the club members we have reduced the amount of solid waste that we are producing by 85%." It is true that we have a system in place for our 2014 gardening system and will be working to refine and make improvements in the fall. We are offering regular classes, with the next one scheduled for July 19th, and have produced the equivalent of four blue wheelbarrows full of organic compost since last season. Click here for more information or see the links page for more reading about this important subject. |
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