RIOC Special Events invited Island Kids families, RI Youth Center teens and staff, and Girl Scouts to the gardens to join us in service. They all showed up fairly early in steady numbers to help place compost in former tree pits near the Octagon tennis courts, nearby Pony field and further south on Main Street, too. These tree spots will soon be filled with pollinator plantings to become butterfly beds/pocket meadows in June.
RIGC invited 12 high school students from UNIS who helped out all morning for service in the gardens. Four of these students along with Outreach Associate, Laura Laderman, completely handled the table for free seed planting on Meditation Lawn from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. They worked in between plogging/recycling with Christina Delfico of iDig2Learn and a book exchange with Nicole Izsak and daughter. RIGC also took some worms and decomposers to Haki compost for kids of all ages who came by with food scraps to explore.
Both our community gardens and other parts of our Island were buzzing with beautification, time outside in the sunshine, and some learning about nature.
As can often be the case, composting pulled people together. Anthony and the Compost Committee's work made a big difference along with compost from Big Reuse and RIOC. Some Island Kids families, Youth Center teens, and older Girl Scouts stayed all morning helping to sift compost and enjoying the worms.
Many RIGC gardeners came out to work on the rose garden beds, begin work on border replacement, clean paths and common areas, upgrade landscape areas, begin painting to upgrade, and to put out hoses. The UNIS students enjoyed learning, helping, and chatting with gardeners.
Collaborations and connections all around. This was RIGC's first community service day since the fall of 2019 and it turned into an important, lovely milestone for many on Roosevelt Island.
If you have more pictures and RIGC news from this day, please send them to [email protected].