Roosevelt Island depends upon this Big Reuse Site for composting and give backs! They have been so generous with us since 2015. The information below is all from and the #saveourcompost coalition posts. The slides were created by
Please sign the petitions
You may also want to write a short written testimony before Monday, Dec. 20th.
NYC Parks plans to replace our Queensbridge Compost Processing Site on December 31, 2020 with a parking lot. Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver and Mayor Bill de Blasio both have the power to put a stop to this. Here are some actions you can take to demand that NYC Parks renew our lease.
- Friday, December 18 at 11 am: City Council is holding virtual oversight hearing on Community Composting hosted by The Committee on Parks and Recreation and the Committee on Sanitation. We need supporters.
- Register to testify here. Written testimony may be submitted up to 72 hours after the hearing.
- Read "How to Testify in Support of Composting in New York City," written by our friends at NRDC for tips on submitting a testimony.
- After you've submitted a testimony, we encourage you to send it along to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver to let them know why saving this composting site is urgent!
- If you are interested in viewing the hearing, but do not wish to testify live, the hearing can be viewed here.
Composting is an environmental justice issue too. When food waste is not composted, it is often sent to incinerators located primarily in low-income communities and communities of color and burned with trash and fossil fuels. This releases particulates and toxic chemicals into local communities.
Finally, sustainably disposing of organics is critical to achieving New York City’s ambitious climate and zero waste goals. Dumping food waste into landfills or incinerators instead of composting them adds to air pollution, accelerates the climate crisis, and will mean that the people who provide these critical composting services will lose their jobs.