Neal Weissman, President, created a power point that led us through all important announcements, officer and committee reports, and a summary of last year's survey results with humor and attention to detail. Johan Marfey, Vice President, spoke about our waitlist and announced this year's community service dates. Jack Burkhalter, Secretary, spoke about registration, rules and regulations updates to be completed, and announced plans to step down from the Secretary role. He called out for those interested to join the Board in 2020! Geof Kerr, Treasurer explained how he works with the Board and keeps our financial records healthy and complete. As a result, the club is prepared both for expected and also for any unexpected needs..
See pictures and more news below with selections from the power point. And remember, standing committee sign ups for work with Compost, Landscape, Outreach, Rose Garden, and Standards are ongoing all year! Join us!